Board of Trustees

A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Eritrean Orthodox Christian (Debre Sahl St. Michael’s) Community Church (charity registration number 1044068) was held at our Church’s main office on the 16th of February 2019. The aim of this meeting was to replace the existing board of trustees; who served the community and have played a great role in leading us to the prosperous position that we find ourselves in, by appointing new members as per the community’s constitution.

The new selected members for the board of trustees compromise of:

  1. Mr. Abrhaley Mebrahtu – Chair
  2. Dr. Semere Tewolde – Treasurer
  3. Mr. Solomon Russom – Secretary
  4. Mr. Fitsum Khasa – Elected Member
  5. Mr. Berhane G/alpha – Elected Member
  6. Mr. Yaqob Haile – Elected Member

They have agreed to volunteer their time and will lead our community with their wide range of professional experiences. With their collective competencies, we will be able to make professional judgments in matters associated with the governance and operations.

The new members of the board will use their skills and experiences in financial management, auditing, risk mitigation as well as communications to support the decision making process that will help us achieve our main aims and objectives.

We would like to take this opportunity to pray for guidance and wish them all the best in the next 3 years in their roles as Trustees of Debre Sahl. St. Michael’s Eritrean Orthodox Community Church.


< 2025 >
February 23 - March 01
  • 23
    No events
  • 24
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  • 25
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  • 26
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  • 27
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  • 28
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  • 01
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London SE5 7NR

Phone: (0044) – 020 7703 5147