English Bible Study Program

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.‘ Proverbs 18:15

Our Church is pleased to announce the start of a long-awaited Bible Study Program in English!

The new program which runs every Saturday 6 – 8 pm will be tailored to all 18+ faithfuls and anyone that’s keen to know The Eritrean Orthodox Church’s teachings and wants a closer relationship with God. Additional to the in-depth study of Dogmatic Theology and History of The Holy Church, contemporary issues such as pornography, suicide and sexuality will be addressed.

Therefore if you have any questions that you want the answers to or want to get closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, our church doors are open every Saturday evenings. Come in Peace!


< 2024 >
December 22 - December 28
  • 22
    No events
  • 23
    No events
  • 24
    No events
  • 25
    No events
  • 26
    No events
  • 27
    No events
  • 28
    No events

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78 Edmund Street
London SE5 7NR

Phone: (0044) – 020 7703 5147
E-mail: admin@debresahl.com